Feature Friday: Nighttime In Kansas

Feature Friday: Nighttime In Kansas

With last week’s break to focus on the launch of our giveaway for PUP tickets (still over a week to enter!), we’re back on track with our Feature Friday this week on Nighttime In Kansas.

The indie rock trio first caught my eye at a sold out show last month at Pressed when they opened for Scenic Route to Alaska. I honestly didn’t know what to expect, but by the end of their first song, I was hooked. And it was quite obvious that I wasn’t the only one. Attempts to get a better view of the band in action were fruitless: the whole area surrounding them was packed. So needless to say, I was pretty stoked when I saw that they had an upcoming release that I could run a Feature on.

I was lucky enough to catch an early glimpse of their debut EP “Solstice”, and it really struck me how Nighttime In Kansas are truly wise beyond their years when it comes to songwriting. They really nail all the things we love about indie rock and emo, while avoiding the stereotypical pitfalls that can be associated with the genres. They come across as unified and genuine, while never crossing into whiny, cheesy, or pretentious. There is also something haunting, yet beautifully honest and atmospheric about these tracks. With poignant lyrics and fluid vocal intonation (which is absolutely amazing on “Solstice 2: Reprise”, might I add), combined with the flawless blending of their respective instruments, these five masterfully crafted tracks never fall short or disappoint. Their professionalism and obvious dedication prove that this is just the beginning for Nighttime In Kansas.

Perfect example for your ears right here:

Call it indie rock, call it emo, call it a mix of both; either way, it’s just really damn good. This powerful EP sure starts this band’s discography with one hell of a bang. Snag your own online version here (believe me, you’ll want to): https://nighttimeinkansas.bandcamp.com/

NTIK will be releasing their debut EP “Solstice” tonight with forest., Lees Avenue & Ryan Fitz at Live on Elgin, 8pm. It’s definitely one you don’t want to miss.

And if you just can’t get enough of these dudes and want to keep tabs on what the band is up to, you can always follow them here: https://www.facebook.com/nighttimeinkansas/ and on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/wearentik



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